Tuesday, January 14, 2025

California Wildfires

 California is once again on fire.

It seems that this is an annual event, at least in the past several years. One doesn't have to browse too deeply into the interwebs to find article after article on the mismanagement of California by Governor Gavin Newsom. I won't dig any deeper into that here.

However, from the research I've done there are approximately 24 dead, 12,000 buildings destroyed, and nearly 4000 acres burned. The cause of these fires isn't climate change as many progressives would have you believe. Also, this is not climate change denying, but simple facts. High winds, very dry conditions, human involvement, and electrical lines touching local vegetation appear to be the main culprits.

Now it's extremely easy for me to sit back and tell the Californians that "this is the government you wanted and you elected." Which is factually correct although I hate to see anyone lose their home, regardless of how much their respective net worth is. And while I some sympathy for the folks who lost everything, I'm still drawn to my People in the foothills of North Carolina who are still sleeping in tents and campers. To whom the Biden administration gave some money, but not nearly enough to rebuild. President Biden did however state in a tweet that the federal government would rebuild any and all buildings destroyed by the fires to 100%. He did not make such a bold claim to the much poorer people of North Carolina, most of whom did not vote for Biden this past November.

The internal struggle of wanting to see bad people fail (I consider Gavin Newsom a bad human being) is real with me. Instead of focusing on the nuts and bolts of his state's interior structure, he seems to have been caught up in DEI politics and hiring and promoting people based largely, if not solely, on their gender and skin color. It has been alleged that budgets have been cut in areas that directly effected both the risk of fires spreading and the human capital needed to fight the fires once they did break out.

I suppose that like most things involving state and federal government that we will never know the whole truth....

Friday, January 10, 2025

Boundaries & Consequences

 I'm told that being able to set boundaries is essential, or at least a good tool to have, for one's mental health.

While this issue is relatively new to to me personally, I can see the benefit to not end up being someone's door mat or punching bag.

However, I haven't been able to locate an article or a study on the consequences of setting boundaries. I cannot think of one single thing in life that comes without any consequences, whether intended or not, whether good or bad. There are series of articles on setting boundaries with addicts, spouses with addiction, children, teenagers, etc. But nothing on what happens with the person to whom you established the boundary. What if they retaliate? What if they decide they don't want the boundaries that have been established? What then?

As the person who usually is getting "boundaried" by my spouse what I am to do after the fact? Just accept that this is my new reality and go on about my day? Do I get to have any sort of discussion at all? It doesn't seem that way to me, at least the manner in which the boundaries are being doled out against me.
It often feels like the boundary-setting is being used as a cudgel to beat me over the head when I don't act in a given way. That is manipulation and control plain and simple.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Corporate Media vs. The Hallmark Channel/Food Network


CNN Falls to 17th in Primetime Ratings with 367,000 Viewers, Behind Food Network Amid Declining Viewership Since November 2024 Election

It would appear that the above headlines would indicate that the People have had it with the bullshit that the MSM spews every day. I mean 20-year lows? That takes some doing, especially when you're primarily funded by the pharmaceutical industry which has bottomless pockets. 

So what has changed that has caused this meteoric shift in "news" consumption by consumers?

Now I haven't engaged in Corporate media in nearly 6 years because I caught on relatively early to their continued propaganda for their Team. I became exhausted living in the silo of my choosing only having my beliefs reenforced b my Team. And make no mistake these cable news shows are just that; silos. Echo chambers seldom challenging their teammates on nearly any topic that you could choose. Never speaking truth to power. Seldom asking tough questions to any member of their Team. It was and is sickening to watch.
As I look at it now, eyes wide open, what they are continuing to do is so blatantly obvious I sometimes feel as though I have an X Men power that few of us have. But it's not a superpower in the least. I simply began doing MY OWN research into the stories they were reporting. I began to scour the internet, podcasts, alternative sources to try and find a consistent point-of-view that had little to do with WHAT  I believed at the time. I wanted the TRUTH and nothing more. I long for the media to very simply give me the facts and the I will decide what to do with the information presented. 
But therein lies the problem with Corporate media.....Money.

There's quite simply too many cooks in the kitchen looking to display their own view points to the masses and call it "news". Too few actual journalists doing the hard work of checking sources before reporting on a given issue. No; now all that is required is that you have a source, who can and quite frequently is, anonymous. Just. Be. First.
While the competitive side of me fully understands the drive to want to be the best, the accuracy of a story counts more for me than who reported it first. Most of the time I couldn't even recall who broke a given story and honestly don't care to try.

Going into 2025 my goal with regard to politics, is to see Corporate media succumb to the will of the People and die.
There are far too many topics to touch on in a single blog post, so I'm seriously considering doing a separate post for every story that they've gotten wrong and never offered a retraction or apology. This is the vast majority of the stories they've completely missed on over the past 2 decades.
I challenge anyone reading this rag to seek out alternative sources. Does this source have an axe to grind against the target of their story? Who owns/funds the news source? How long have they been doing investigative journalism. (Also, I'm not one that buys into the Corporate belief that you must have gone to journalism school in order to do good solid work in the press. Nothing could be farther from the truth.)

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Where Do I Fit?

 It's sometimes very difficult to know where you fit in. Whether in a new job, a new school, or just arriving at military boot camp. Fitting in, can be tough.

However, maybe the toughest situation to try and fit in is as a son-in-law of a blended family. Phew! I've "been a part" of this family now for neatly 10 years and I still have no earthly idea where I fit; what my role is; do I even have a fucking role? It's wild that as a 54-year-old man I'm trying to determine not only where i fit, but do I even fit?

Being the husband in a blended family is one of the most difficult, torturous things I've ever been involved with. You're married to these kids' Mother, but you're also definitely NOT their Father; not do they want you to be. The hurt and the emotional pain associated with this particular set up can sometimes be overwhelming. I've cried, I've drank to excess, I've left the home for hours on end going absolutely nowhere and I've spent a large portion of this relationship angry.....because I'm hurt. In April of 2021 (I think) I made peace with my lot in life and decided to end it all. I was tired of being a burden to the people that I care about. Fortunately a phone call from my beloved sister stopped me before I could go through with it. I think about that day alot.

It really is maddening for all parties involved. I completely understand that I've brought a large part of this on myself. But I also believe that I was never given a fair shot by the woman that I love to simply be me. She didn't like that version of me for her children and have played 2nd or 3rd fiddle ever since. I know it sounds like I'm whining and I'm trying desperately to not make it sound that way. i truly am lost. 

So if you happen to be reading this and have any sort of guidance or wisdom please comment. Thanks

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

There's No Such Thing As "Toxic Masculinity"

"Toxic masculinity" is a completely made up term by militant feminists to justify their own internal hatred for all men.

Better put, when the media and academia use this term, it's nearly always used in a pejorative sense and, according Michael J. Karson Ph.D., J.D., its used to mean "paranoia, sociopathy, malignant narcissism, or self-righteous vindictiveness." (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/feeling-our-way/202205/the-myth-of-toxic-masculinity)

It stemmed from the #MeToo movement a few years back in which women were to be believed with regard to violence against them, alleged sexual harassment or assault, with utter disregard for the facts of a given case. Thus completely disemboweling one's right to assume innocence until proven guilty in a court of law. Most of us on social media have seen the would-you-rather scenario of a woman in the woods choosing a bear over a man.

The question itself raises serious questions for me as to the mental state of the women asking it. Like, have you seen a fucking grizzly up close? It's simply a moronic question and one that I feel was asked to elicit a desired type of response from both men and women.
Having said all that, there are certainly toxic people, men and women, in society. I don't think anyone who's had a bad date could debate that. But to ascribe all the negative attributes of "toxic masculinity" to half the country's population is just nuts.
The newest trend against masculinity and men in general is women shaving their heads and refusing to have sex with men as protest against Trump winning the election. Now I'm a libertarian, so you do whatever you choose with your body. Just please understand that your choice doesn't come without the consequences of ridicule, and you all look ridiculous. And it's ironic that the women who are shaving their heads (at least the ones that I've seen online) are not attractive in the least.

The world needs men. The world also needs women, and if the radical feminists continue to degrade all things manly or masculine, we will simply stop showing up for you. There's data to show that it's already happening in the dating area. Men are simply sick of being beaten down for simply being men.
I believe that your anger is severely misplaced. Dig a little deeper or talk to a professional and fins the true source of your issues; because for the most part, it ain't us.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Tribalism At Its Finest

 OK, so we made it through the election season! Phew! What an absolute circus that was. Now we have about 1 1/2 years before the mid-terms next year.

Just breathe.......

Now it's time to get some things done.

And therein lies the next domestic problem; our tribalism is tearing this country apart. In fact, it might possibly be the largest issue we have amongst ourselves as Americans. "us vs. Them"

My personal belief is that a large portion of this problem stems from people being absolutely terrified of being wrong. Having lived your life a certain way for however many years you've lived it. Having owned a guiding set of beliefs that, whether popular or not, might turn out to be inexorably incorrect. This happens on the fringes of both sides of the aisle to be certain. Without having any reasoning other than, "if he was for it, then we had to be against it."
Just stupid.
However, I blame a large portion of this issue on the corporate media, whom I hate to my very core. BOTH sides of the political spectrum are represented in the corporate media hierarchy. And both sides, more often than not, spin a given story to most closely meet the narrative that they're trying to achieve. Often leaving out extremely important details and key events in a given series of events included in the story. Then those choosing to live their life in a silo take the story and run with it only to be checked by someone who's actually informed on the topic.

We have to get to a point where we can talk to one another without name-calling, ad hominem arguments and yelling. (typically the person yelling is wrong so they resort to the aforementioned tricks)

I choose to speak to people whom I disagree with in the hopes of learning something new. God knows I don't have all the answers! One of the main things that I've learned is that American voters seem to be better versed in domestic issues, and more specifically social issues than international goings-on; and by a large margin regardless of political affiliation. That's fine I suppose, but the things that will cause us the greatest damage historically come from outside our borders. Something to think about I guess.

It's possible that because I'm a political junkie that I'm simply trying to gather as much information as I can retain. But I would like to think that I would apply this desire to seek out differing opinions would be applied to other areas of my life if I wasn't so wrapped up in this mess we call politics.

So, in closing, I would encourage anyone reading this rag that you seek out new information because the corporate media is paid for by those with an agenda and an axe to grind politically. Stop watching it and see if your general outlook on life doesn't improve.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Trump Derangement Syndrome

 I have only recently come to understand that Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing; although not an official diagnosis. This despite the massive amount of online evidence to the contrary.

Both times that Donald Trump has been elected the Left (see: progressives) have had complete and utter meltdowns just short of a total mental break. What's more, they seem intent on letting the entire world know about their feelings in perpetuity by posting it online which has no delete button. 👀 That particular decision in itself seems a little deranged.

People whom I know personally are included in this "diagnosis". People who otherwise are thoughtful, introspective, and delightful. But once Trump or anything he has touched, appointed, suggested, legislated, or laughed at gets brought into the mix all rationality goes right out the window. 

Psychology Today has taken up the phenomena to try and understand what the real issue is. They state, "Trump derangement syndrome is a derogatory term used to describe a form of toxic criticism and negative reaction to former president Trump's statements and actions." The term was originally coined by Charles Krauthammer a psychiatrist-turned-political-pundit in 2003 with the term "Bush derangement syndrome". CNN talking head Farheed Zakaria stated that its a "hatred of Trump so intense that it impairs people's judgment."

Trends on social media include the B4 movement, which began in North Korea entails women shaving their heads and refusing to have sex with men for the next four years in protest. Uh; ok. 

Families have been torn apart by TDS having both Thanksgiving and Christmas canceled entirely on the fact that part of the family supports Trump and part do not and this fact is of greater concern than actually spending time with family.

Both of these I have a very difficult time trying to understand. The President of the United States, by default, has very limited powers to effect one's specific life. Our Founders designed the government that way, thank God. Thus the visceral reaction to Trump and anything he touches is truly beyond my grasp of understanding. Also, this phenomenon seems to be affecting Leftists exclusively. Neither I, nor anyone I know personally has ever had a nervous breakdown over the person living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, regardless of how much I might disagree with their political views.

I'm curious by nature and during this election season have sought out opinions different from mine. Mainly because I don't believe that I have all the correct answers to everything. Most, if not all that I have come across when asked, "What is the point of your hatred of Trump?" 100% will lead with a personality trait. And while that's a valid point, I'm far more interested in one's policies than whether or not they have a bad tan, have multiple baby mamas or are crude.

Viktor Frankl said, "Between stimulus and response, there is a space.
In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our happiness

Some folks would do good to take this message to heart, based on everything that I've seen in response to their Team losing.