Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Corporate Media vs. The Hallmark Channel/Food Network


CNN Falls to 17th in Primetime Ratings with 367,000 Viewers, Behind Food Network Amid Declining Viewership Since November 2024 Election

It would appear that the above headlines would indicate that the People have had it with the bullshit that the MSM spews every day. I mean 20-year lows? That takes some doing, especially when you're primarily funded by the pharmaceutical industry which has bottomless pockets. 

So what has changed that has caused this meteoric shift in "news" consumption by consumers?

Now I haven't engaged in Corporate media in nearly 6 years because I caught on relatively early to their continued propaganda for their Team. I became exhausted living in the silo of my choosing only having my beliefs reenforced b my Team. And make no mistake these cable news shows are just that; silos. Echo chambers seldom challenging their teammates on nearly any topic that you could choose. Never speaking truth to power. Seldom asking tough questions to any member of their Team. It was and is sickening to watch.
As I look at it now, eyes wide open, what they are continuing to do is so blatantly obvious I sometimes feel as though I have an X Men power that few of us have. But it's not a superpower in the least. I simply began doing MY OWN research into the stories they were reporting. I began to scour the internet, podcasts, alternative sources to try and find a consistent point-of-view that had little to do with WHAT  I believed at the time. I wanted the TRUTH and nothing more. I long for the media to very simply give me the facts and the I will decide what to do with the information presented. 
But therein lies the problem with Corporate media.....Money.

There's quite simply too many cooks in the kitchen looking to display their own view points to the masses and call it "news". Too few actual journalists doing the hard work of checking sources before reporting on a given issue. No; now all that is required is that you have a source, who can and quite frequently is, anonymous. Just. Be. First.
While the competitive side of me fully understands the drive to want to be the best, the accuracy of a story counts more for me than who reported it first. Most of the time I couldn't even recall who broke a given story and honestly don't care to try.

Going into 2025 my goal with regard to politics, is to see Corporate media succumb to the will of the People and die.
There are far too many topics to touch on in a single blog post, so I'm seriously considering doing a separate post for every story that they've gotten wrong and never offered a retraction or apology. This is the vast majority of the stories they've completely missed on over the past 2 decades.
I challenge anyone reading this rag to seek out alternative sources. Does this source have an axe to grind against the target of their story? Who owns/funds the news source? How long have they been doing investigative journalism. (Also, I'm not one that buys into the Corporate belief that you must have gone to journalism school in order to do good solid work in the press. Nothing could be farther from the truth.)


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