Tuesday, December 3, 2024

There's No Such Thing As "Toxic Masculinity"

"Toxic masculinity" is a completely made up term by militant feminists to justify their own internal hatred for all men.

Better put, when the media and academia use this term, it's nearly always used in a pejorative sense and, according Michael J. Karson Ph.D., J.D., its used to mean "paranoia, sociopathy, malignant narcissism, or self-righteous vindictiveness." (https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/feeling-our-way/202205/the-myth-of-toxic-masculinity)

It stemmed from the #MeToo movement a few years back in which women were to be believed with regard to violence against them, alleged sexual harassment or assault, with utter disregard for the facts of a given case. Thus completely disemboweling one's right to assume innocence until proven guilty in a court of law. Most of us on social media have seen the would-you-rather scenario of a woman in the woods choosing a bear over a man.

The question itself raises serious questions for me as to the mental state of the women asking it. Like, have you seen a fucking grizzly up close? It's simply a moronic question and one that I feel was asked to elicit a desired type of response from both men and women.
Having said all that, there are certainly toxic people, men and women, in society. I don't think anyone who's had a bad date could debate that. But to ascribe all the negative attributes of "toxic masculinity" to half the country's population is just nuts.
The newest trend against masculinity and men in general is women shaving their heads and refusing to have sex with men as protest against Trump winning the election. Now I'm a libertarian, so you do whatever you choose with your body. Just please understand that your choice doesn't come without the consequences of ridicule, and you all look ridiculous. And it's ironic that the women who are shaving their heads (at least the ones that I've seen online) are not attractive in the least.

The world needs men. The world also needs women, and if the radical feminists continue to degrade all things manly or masculine, we will simply stop showing up for you. There's data to show that it's already happening in the dating area. Men are simply sick of being beaten down for simply being men.
I believe that your anger is severely misplaced. Dig a little deeper or talk to a professional and fins the true source of your issues; because for the most part, it ain't us.


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