OK, so we made it through the election season! Phew! What an absolute circus that was. Now we have about 1 1/2 years before the mid-terms next year.
Just breathe.......
Now it's time to get some things done.
And therein lies the next domestic problem; our tribalism is tearing this country apart. In fact, it might possibly be the largest issue we have amongst ourselves as Americans. "us vs. Them"
My personal belief is that a large portion of this problem stems from people being absolutely terrified of being wrong. Having lived your life a certain way for however many years you've lived it. Having owned a guiding set of beliefs that, whether popular or not, might turn out to be inexorably incorrect. This happens on the fringes of both sides of the aisle to be certain. Without having any reasoning other than, "if he was for it, then we had to be against it."
Just stupid.
However, I blame a large portion of this issue on the corporate media, whom I hate to my very core. BOTH sides of the political spectrum are represented in the corporate media hierarchy. And both sides, more often than not, spin a given story to most closely meet the narrative that they're trying to achieve. Often leaving out extremely important details and key events in a given series of events included in the story. Then those choosing to live their life in a silo take the story and run with it only to be checked by someone who's actually informed on the topic.
We have to get to a point where we can talk to one another without name-calling, ad hominem arguments and yelling. (typically the person yelling is wrong so they resort to the aforementioned tricks)
I choose to speak to people whom I disagree with in the hopes of learning something new. God knows I don't have all the answers! One of the main things that I've learned is that American voters seem to be better versed in domestic issues, and more specifically social issues than international goings-on; and by a large margin regardless of political affiliation. That's fine I suppose, but the things that will cause us the greatest damage historically come from outside our borders. Something to think about I guess.
It's possible that because I'm a political junkie that I'm simply trying to gather as much information as I can retain. But I would like to think that I would apply this desire to seek out differing opinions would be applied to other areas of my life if I wasn't so wrapped up in this mess we call politics.
So, in closing, I would encourage anyone reading this rag that you seek out new information because the corporate media is paid for by those with an agenda and an axe to grind politically. Stop watching it and see if your general outlook on life doesn't improve.
I have only recently come to understand that Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing; although not an official diagnosis. This despite the massive amount of online evidence to the contrary.
Both times that Donald Trump has been elected the Left (see: progressives) have had complete and utter meltdowns just short of a total mental break. What's more, they seem intent on letting the entire world know about their feelings in perpetuity by posting it online which has no delete button. 👀 That particular decision in itself seems a little deranged.
People whom I know personally are included in this "diagnosis". People who otherwise are thoughtful, introspective, and delightful. But once Trump or anything he has touched, appointed, suggested, legislated, or laughed at gets brought into the mix all rationality goes right out the window.
Psychology Today has taken up the phenomena to try and understand what the real issue is. They state, "Trump derangement syndrome is a derogatory term used to describe a form of toxic criticism and negative reaction to former president Trump's statements and actions." The term was originally coined by Charles Krauthammer a psychiatrist-turned-political-pundit in 2003 with the term "Bush derangement syndrome". CNN talking head Farheed Zakaria stated that its a "hatred of Trump so intense that it impairs people's judgment."
Trends on social media include the B4 movement, which began in North Korea entails women shaving their heads and refusing to have sex with men for the next four years in protest. Uh; ok.
Families have been torn apart by TDS having both Thanksgiving and Christmas canceled entirely on the fact that part of the family supports Trump and part do not and this fact is of greater concern than actually spending time with family.
Both of these I have a very difficult time trying to understand. The President of the United States, by default, has very limited powers to effect one's specific life. Our Founders designed the government that way, thank God. Thus the visceral reaction to Trump and anything he touches is truly beyond my grasp of understanding. Also, this phenomenon seems to be affecting Leftists exclusively. Neither I, nor anyone I know personally has ever had a nervous breakdown over the person living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, regardless of how much I might disagree with their political views.
I'm curious by nature and during this election season have sought out opinions different from mine. Mainly because I don't believe that I have all the correct answers to everything. Most, if not all that I have come across when asked, "What is the point of your hatred of Trump?" 100% will lead with a personality trait. And while that's a valid point, I'm far more interested in one's policies than whether or not they have a bad tan, have multiple baby mamas or are crude.
Viktor Frankl said, "Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness."
Some folks would do good to take this message to heart, based on everything that I've seen in response to their Team losing.
535 feet in length. 7800 tons. 30+ knots in speed. And Haze grey inside and out.
This is the USS Richmond K. Turner DLG/CG 20
This is the place where a naive 18-year-old punk from Loudon County, Tennessee became a man.
I was privileged to be able to attend this grand Lady's reunion this past weekend in Nashville. Some 240 former Shipmates showed up. Sitting in the back of the room, it gave me such a great deal of pride to be included in such an amazing group of men and Patriots.
At nearly 55-years-old, I was the second youngest former crew member there. The sea stories flowed and the memories always get better with time. And for the former crew of this magnificent machine represent Her with pride and integrity. But one of the most incredible part of the weekend was the fact that when I looked into the eyes of my Guys, I got the definite understanding that, to the Man, they would all do it again. Despite some of the bullshit that happens in every single branch of the military, despite stuff breaking constantly; they would do it all over again.
I read a quote once that said, "Don't eat with someone you wouldn't starve with."